Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

7 Top Ways To Seduce Woman

Seduction is a sexy word. So many people love it. They love to say it, they love to hear it, they love to do it and they love to have it done to them. The unfortunate part of it is, so many people are unsure of how to go about it.
Seducing a woman is not as hard as it sounds. Women, for the most part, are pretty easy to seduce. Some may vary in how they like a man to seduce them, but generally speaking the process is all the same. If you are not sure of yourself, though, read on. Before you know it you will have the ability to seduce any woman of your choosing.
1. Build Up Your Confidence
Women love confidence in a man because they find it sexy. It is easy to become overwhelmed by a beautiful woman, but you cannot let this scare you away. It is like a person who is afraid of dogs. It does not matter how sweet a dog is, it can smell that fear and is more inclined to bite you because of it. A woman can smell this fear too, and is more inclined to walk away from you because of it. You do not have to be the hottest guy in town to get the girl. You simply need to approach her as a mature individual minus the stuttering. Treat her like she is normal, not as the stunning beauty standing in front of you. After all, do you know how long a normal woman takes to primp herself for a night out on the town?
2. Start a Real Conversation
How do you expect to seduce her if you cannot even talk to her? First, save the cheesy pickup lines for the drunk bimbos who do not require seduction. Anyone worthy of being seduced has heard them all and deserves better than this. Next, do not ask her a closed-ended question such as, "Do you come here often?" This requires a one word answer. You need to ask her something that will keep the conversation rolling, preferably something that you can both get some laughs out of. Women love to laugh, keep this in mind when talking to her.
3. Push and Pull
Push and pull figuratively, of course. We are not getting rough up in this joint. When you are talking to your dream girl, you need to flirt with your body as much as you do with your speech. Push yourself toward her as you are talking and giving her some mature compliments with underlying sexual connotations. Brush against her body ever so slightly, get so close to her face that she thinks you might kiss her, then pull back. This will encourage her to push toward you. In fact, it is almost a given that she will. You have excited her with your actions and she wants more already.
4. Touch Her
Women love to be touched, and not just where the sun doesn't shine. A soft brush anywhere, even their arms, sends tingles and signals everywhere in their bodies. When you are talking to a woman, or if she is in your apartment, use your hands to your advantage. Before you move in for the kiss touch her lips softly with your fingers. Trace the sides of her face, and softly stroke her neck. She will be like putty in your hands.
5. Express Yourself with Your Eyes
Believe it or not you can almost hypnotize a woman just by making and keeping eye contact with her. The eyes tell a magical story, and a woman can get lost in a man's eyes, especially when he is telling her how beautiful she is. Combine eye contact with gentle stroking of her hands or arms and you are headed for home base.
6. Be the Alpha Male
An alpha male is the leader of the pack, always in control. Once you have her under your spell, maintain your alpha male status. If you are still at the club or bar, ask her, "Your place or mine?" If at your apartment, softly swipe your lips against hers, pick her up and carry her into your bedroom. It is a guarantee she will not say no.
7. Be Mysterious
Yes, you have seduced her successfully, but what happens now? Seduction does not have to end after the first night, you know. If the two of you really like one another, seduction is a great way of keeping the spark lit. Send her flowers with mysterious messages. Leave notes on her door with cryptic clues as to where your next date will be. Women eat this type of activity up and will eat you up right along with it.

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